Luke knew from his solar experience that the added cost of batteries and net metering laws were a weak link and the most expensive part of solar. Teaming up with CTO James Bartley and eventually Core Source Technologies, Vroom Solar developed their solar-direct, Smart Solar Management technology to make skipping batteries automatic and seamless, and is currently finalizing this proprietary control center engineering.

Luke also partnered with Jonathan Young, owner and operator of Advanced Racking, to develop a patent-pending racking system that easily adapts to cargo trailers, box trucks, and/or shipping containers. Inspired by the free space on cargo trailer roofs, Luke designed a solar mount system that could adapt and install quickly on top of structures customers already own with no roof-penetration required. As Vroom Solar continues to connect with potential customers and distributors, the possibilities for the greatly simplified Vroom Solar solution keep expanding from tiny homes, sheds, and hunting cabins to carport EV chargers to agricultural water wells, and more. 

Though Luke originally designed Vroom Solar for crews on job sites, the Vroom Solar solar-direct power plant is for anyone wanting emergency, backup power as well. With no fuel costs or maintenance, Vroom Solar’s DIY solution easily replaces fossil fuel generators.

One of Luke’s strengths is certainly his perseverance to press on through the hurdles of building a new company. One current challenge for Vroom Solar is raising the funds to commercialize our product. Currently, Vroom Solar has an open REG D raise, as well as applying for various grants/awards, and seeking out partners and investors. Recently, the company was approved for the MO Works program through the MO Department of Economic Development.

Another challenge is navigating the blue-ocean territory Vroom Solar swims in. Our solar-direct technology is inventive for the solar industry. Traditionally-minded solar enthusiasts question the ability to harvest solar energy without a battery, while those new to solar don’t necessarily understand the significance. Nevertheless, Vroom Solar simplifies solar for everyday customers, and gives them the freedom to choose to use the power immediately on-site, on a trailer, anywhere

Underserved communities are another market Luke and his team hope to support in the future. Vroom Solar has plans to create a foundation that will donate one solar kit for every 25 sold to nonprofits, schools, disaster relief, and underserved communities. The company also plans to hire packaging techs with disabilities as part of job creation around Springfield. As CEO, Luke envisions a fun company culture and believes giving back is one of the best motivations for his employees. 

After developing three solar companies, Luke’s advice is, “Don’t grow too fast and enjoy the journey. Like many things in life, we want to get to the next milestone and then think that we have finally arrived. That is simply never the case. It takes many steps, a strong team, and drive to just keep going when things are good or hard. Just enjoy it.”

Luke recently moved to Springfield last summer with his wife Randee Rae and their four children. His good humored efforts to convince her to get a dog remain on-going. 

Our Story

Founder and CEO Luke Phelps launched Vroom Solar, Inc. when he saw a need for power in remote and mobile situations in rural Missouri.

His Red Barn Solar crews needed power on commercial agriculture installs, which inspired Luke to create a portable solar solution for on-site power. He wanted to “simplify solar”, make independent power available to anyone, and offer an alternative to gas generators but with no maintenance. Vroom Solar, Inc. was born, with a secret sauce of solar-direct, multi-load management technology that’s patent-pending. 

Solar-direct is exactly that – solar to direct usable power in the form of four standard AC outlets across the front of the control center. It allows for the most efficient use of the power produced by prioritizing on-site power consumption, no battery or grid connection needed (but optional of course). You can set up your own personal solar power plant in under two hours – solar modules, racking system, and control center. Vroom Solar makes it simple with plug-and-play connections; no permitting, no hardwiring, programming, or solar experience necessary.